Data protection Video Surveillance

Data protection information regarding video surveillance

We use video surveillance on the premises of Malsch GmbH, and some information on the subject of data protection can be found in the following.

Who is responsible for data processing?

The responsible party within the meaning of data protection law is:
Malsch GmbH
Rohbergstr. 9
36208 Wildeck-Obersuhl, Germany

More information about our company, details of the authorized representatives and also other contact alternatives can be found in the legal information of our website:

Purpose of video surveillance and legal basis

Video surveillance takes place in order to monitor access rights, prevent criminal offences and preserve evidence if criminal offences occur.
The legal basis for video surveillance is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR, whereby our interests arise from the above-mentioned purposes.

Recipient / passing on of data

If criminal offences are suspected, we will pass the information on to the law enforcement authorities if necessary.

Otherwise, the data will only be passed on if there is a legal basis for passing it on. This may particularly be the case if the police or other security authorities become involved as part of so-called threat prevention and request access to the video surveillance data.

Data processing outside the European Union

No processing of personal data takes place within the scope of video surveillance.

Data protection officer

We have nominated a data protection officer. Contact details:
bits + bytes it-solutions GmbH & Co. KG
- Data Protection Officer –
Krombacher Straße 24
57223 Kreuztal, Germany

Your rights as a data subject

You have the right to information about your own personal data. You can contact us at any time to request information.

If you make a request for information that is not in writing, please understand that we may require proof from you that you are the person you claim to be.

You also have the right to correction, deletion or restriction of processing, insofar as you are legally entitled to this.

Finally, you have the right to object to processing within the framework of the statutory requirements.

You also have the right to data portability within the scope of the data protection law specifications.

Deletion of data

Video surveillance data is generally deleted after 72 hours.

Storage can take place for a longer period on an ad hoc basis if the facts justify the assumption that recordings from a limited period of time reveal actions that are to be prosecuted as a criminal offence or used to assert claims in accordance with civil law.

In the event of absence or illness of the responsible personnel, video recordings can take place for up to 10 days in isolated cases.

Right to complain to a supervisory authority

You have the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority concerning our processing of personal data.